“Thank you so much, I was moved to tears.”
“Such a strong statement for taking care of our planet ” “Thank you artists, environmentalists and philosophers. Important and beautiful. I was moved by, and loved the narrative passages ” “Thank you for bringing your vision, talent and love to this important topic (crises). Haunting and beautiful ” “I am going to plant milkweed for the monarchs and yellow coneflowers for the bees ” “Environmental awareness never glowed with more beauty ” “Be proud of our state. Plant Wisconsin plants! Be part of the solution, listen to the song of life ” “Stunning and exquisite paintings! Breathtaking! But it is the sentiments expressed that are shattering and a true call to action. Take this exhibition EVERYWHERE!” “Beautiful paintings! We can all model our yards on this. Start getting rid of grass and plant bird and bee-friendly plants ” |
“Thank you for such a moving exhibition. It leaves me with a deep impression of the power that can come when feeling and knowledge come together. It is in that moment, as your paintings so beautifully evoke, that hope arises.”
“Oh, some of these works brought tears to my eyes ” “Georgeous, and one of the best exhibitions I’ve seen in a long time” “Your call to action modeled on the feminine, collaborative principle reflect both power and compassion. Than you for expressing your concern for our precious environment in a unique and beautiful manner.” “A deep bow of gratitude for offering your work to the healing and renewal of beauty on earth.” “I want to live in these paintings!” “What beautiful, impactful, emotionally charged work. I am overwhelmed by an intense desire to identify both what I love that needs protecting and what I might do about it. Thank you for a moving, thought provoking exhibition” |
“Thank you for your inspiration. Art can heal the world.”
“You draw us in with beauty and poetry. Then recognizing the loss and pain, you offer a means to effect these losses and change it! I so appreciated your providing a path for us.” “Your artistry restores the forgotten possibilities of the collaboration and partnership needed to be whole.” “The show is important, beautiful, educational, moving, innovative, cross-disciplinary, magic, disturbing, enlightening, provocative and restful.” “This is a breathtaking, heartbreaking exhibit that instills in you a dreadful foreboding then channels all of that terror into a veritable geyser of hope. Let love lead you to find a way to help our beautiful and embattled Earth.” “I loved this passionately executed show. A true delight for the eyes and heart.” “Let’s start listening to artists more than politicians!” |